Nepalese anabáze two months after we turn in India. understand it as soon as they hit the border for us to vôňosmrady nose and eyes pestrošpina. STI is everywhere and everything you buy. at home we will have a two-day bus Calvary boiling over Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal lízneme the holy Haridwar (India pays golden rule, which is the Ganges, it is holy), continuing across the state without identity Haryana, where we Doser bus and skys the dirt hole, whose name I do not want to know. Thank God we have to bring full bus plastopáličov Nepalis who make us a nice cultural bridge between the neighboring countries.
We in the mountain state of Himachal Pradesh. of Shimly, implanted a cross of England and Smokovec, immediately masterpiece deli we're heading off a few busmi traveling further three days after the shaky roads, which the architect must give a prize at the festival adrenaline adventures. but they only cost a second, namely gold medal goes drivers who know it really spice up murderously. and the greater the darkness, the faster. but finally we are alive and in one piece Spiti valley. the alpine desert landscape there able to describe, it's a big dream geomorphological, Tibet in bonsai version millennial monasteries on fairy rocks, laughed at Buddhists. in Kibberi, (allegedly)'s highest village of the world will experience the adrenaline to lift a hand, a bizarre birthday party in Tibetan with cacophonic noise band and most beautiful walks wastelands. eyes wild animals in a seemingly lifeless landscape, enjoy Tibetan cuisine and feel as good as possible only at the end of the world. masterpiece deli
another extended stay in Himačali we lived right in the heart of čarasového UK in a small village completely masterpiece deli out hiking trails and reality. the week I turned off all systems and nonstop Čadil local palm Caras quality number one, on which the whole world huličský only whispers myths. first-class marijuana growing everywhere, cows ate it, local vykášali like weeds. masterpiece deli Caras is smoked, of course, always and everywhere, how can you give us a beer with my buddies. a little of this culture voperovať instead of our hard alkotradície would be wonderful, but it is longer. entire stay easily as in jellies, we ourselves have become jelly and I still besides the sidduman masterpiece deli (Sidd is a local specialty, which I could not dožrať). But everything must end, and we're leaving from čarasovej Shangri-La back to harsh reality.
peering into Dharamshaly, respectively. in McLeodganj, which houses the Tibetan government in exile and even whole thing is here prebudhované. hanging on here looking and can be located Westerners, masterpiece deli also a lot of Indian tourists, a little too tržnicové Bojnice in the mountains. incredible coincidence we lived in the house where he slept with the Dalai Lama entourage after escaping from Tibet and also randomly have the old páprdu the other day zočili. In addition fajná Tibetan food, which is quite an oasis in a sea of Indian štipľavín, after five months masterpiece deli on fire presračkovaný stomach appreciate nepikantné momo, Thukpa or tsampa.
The next item is the Sikh State of Punjab (Punjab, which means Five Rivers). is down there on the plane already well hell, but strongly want to see the Golden Temple in Amritsar masterpiece deli and Attari border circus. The Golden Temple is thus a bomb. Sikhs holiest place but we did not appreciate the religious aspect, but as the largest hostel and especially the largest buffet world. this is called masterpiece deli hospitality when there daily unselfishly fed 60000 (there is a typo, the word sixty thousand) and two pilgrims wicked Slovaks. the Golden Temple we threw eye from afar, to be told, but the kitchen masterpiece deli we were therefore look back detail, particularly famous machine chapatis (Indian pancakes), which spewed out day and night. Military circus the Pakistani-Indian masterpiece deli border have condemned as polodebilnú masterpiece deli preview of militancy and nationalism, but it seemed masterpiece deli that we had this view only except us and we get it all out there taking masterpiece deli on full blast, soldiers dug down over the head, delightedly was running with flags and guards regulate disco. masterpiece deli
Escape from Hell Ilic in Amritsar we took the train, finally after three months again on luggage transverse, with a read without bowling for the tankodrómových road. famous Indian Railways unfortunately ends in Jammu. and there is no place apocalypse. darkness everywhere, masterpiece deli sandstorm, other autobuska, lousy accommodation in a dark monster socíkovského cut a strange kind of people, what is wrong with you stop talking in the half interview, which themselves begin. a scene of cyberpunk noir film. do not stay a minute, fading away from there first night bus.
morning welcomes us Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu & Kashmir State. welcomes us noxious ojebávačmi, astronomy
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