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DI SOI based in Bratislava, Prievozska 32, 827 99 Bratislava, in accordance with 13 paragraph. 7 Act. 278/1993 Coll z. the State Property Administration announces tender for the contract for the hire of temporary surplus office space with kitchen and breakfast facilities and contracts for the provision of catering services.
conditions of tender and further information on the subject of the lease, including the possibility emporio de los sandwiches of inspecting the premises and offered their equipment prior to filing, provide candidates leading OSM CIs SOI, Peter Simon, tel. 02/58272110, e-mail, peter.simo @ emporio de los sandwiches
Application to tender must be submitted to the following address: Slovak Trade Inspection, the Central Inspectorate SOI, Prievozska 32, 827 99 Bratislava, emporio de los sandwiches as in the original writing, in Slovak language. Shipping time: until 09.27.2013 in 14:00. Shipments sent by mail or in person, must be the CIs SOI received within this period. Data in the application are binding upon receipt. Applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the brand name and established a strong candidate with the slogan marked "Tender - kitchen - do not open" Content Application - competition entry conditions: the identity of the candidate, the person authorized to sign on behalf of the candidate offered to act and contact information, if do not match the address of the candidate, offer a fixed amount of annual rent excluding VAT for the entire lease object, a list operated catering units with addresses and period of operation for the last 5 years prior to the announcement of the tender, references, or persons from whom references may be obtained from the company luncheon in the last 5 years prior to the announcement of the tender, the obligation to conclude a contract for the provision of food services staff SOI of hot meals prepared in rented premises in price to 3.50 / lunch excerpt from professional or trade registers SR (original, certified copy) not earlier emporio de los sandwiches than 3 months emporio de los sandwiches prior to the announcement of the tender. List must include in the subject's authority to operate restaurants, emporio de los sandwiches resp. food service at least five years, an affidavit of consent to the terms of competition,
To participate in the opening of tenders will be invited all candidates no later than 5 days before the opening. Applications that do not comply with the tender conditions, application personnel or property interconnected entities with a lower bid received and applications emporio de los sandwiches received after the deadline will be excluded from the evaluation. Announcer emporio de los sandwiches reserves the right to check references and the quality of services provided to candidates. Evaluation of the tender shall be notified within 10 days of opening the envelopes.
If the successful tenderer does not conclude lease contracts and service emporio de los sandwiches within 5 working days of familiarization with the outcome of the proceedings will be eliminated. The draft contract will be approached by the candidate who ended up in the order than others. Announcer reserves the right not to accept any of the tenders. Costs associated with making emporio de los sandwiches a bid shall be borne by the candidate. Until the evaluation of tender caller does not provide information about the course or any other information that could affect the results of the evaluation. This tender is not subject to Act. 25/2006 z. procurement.
Status of Privileges SOI SOI SOI SOI Other Activities emporio de los sandwiches Organizational Structure Principles checks, checks results of inspections SOI Annual Reports Lodging suggestions, complaints, suggestions and requests for public information Free access to information Hazardous National Market SR Cautions EU single emporio de los sandwiches market surveillance system emporio de los sandwiches ECHO Program General Program Sector Program Final decisions First-Second-instance judgments Loans Jobs Competitions ŠZM work for free public database of contracts, purchase orders and invoices of Orders Invoices Procurement Contracts from 1,000 to 20,000 excluding VAT Contracts Contracts below the limit overflow Summary report on contracts under paragraph 99. 2 Evaluation of suppliers FAQ Archive SOI SOI - other activities Results of inspections SOI Annual Report of the Council of consumer products businesses Dangerous - Archive decisions for the euro the European Social Fund Final decisions Contact Special hotline emporio de los sandwiches
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DI SOI based in Bratislava, Prievozska 32, 827 99 Bratislava, in accordance with 13 paragraph. 7 Act. 278/1993 Coll z. the State Property Administration announces tender for the contract for the hire of temporary surplus office space with kitchen and breakfast facilities and contracts for the provision of catering services.
conditions of tender and further information on the subject of the lease, including the possibility emporio de los sandwiches of inspecting the premises and offered their equipment prior to filing, provide candidates leading OSM CIs SOI, Peter Simon, tel. 02/58272110, e-mail, peter.simo @ emporio de los sandwiches
Application to tender must be submitted to the following address: Slovak Trade Inspection, the Central Inspectorate SOI, Prievozska 32, 827 99 Bratislava, emporio de los sandwiches as in the original writing, in Slovak language. Shipping time: until 09.27.2013 in 14:00. Shipments sent by mail or in person, must be the CIs SOI received within this period. Data in the application are binding upon receipt. Applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the brand name and established a strong candidate with the slogan marked "Tender - kitchen - do not open" Content Application - competition entry conditions: the identity of the candidate, the person authorized to sign on behalf of the candidate offered to act and contact information, if do not match the address of the candidate, offer a fixed amount of annual rent excluding VAT for the entire lease object, a list operated catering units with addresses and period of operation for the last 5 years prior to the announcement of the tender, references, or persons from whom references may be obtained from the company luncheon in the last 5 years prior to the announcement of the tender, the obligation to conclude a contract for the provision of food services staff SOI of hot meals prepared in rented premises in price to 3.50 / lunch excerpt from professional or trade registers SR (original, certified copy) not earlier emporio de los sandwiches than 3 months emporio de los sandwiches prior to the announcement of the tender. List must include in the subject's authority to operate restaurants, emporio de los sandwiches resp. food service at least five years, an affidavit of consent to the terms of competition,
To participate in the opening of tenders will be invited all candidates no later than 5 days before the opening. Applications that do not comply with the tender conditions, application personnel or property interconnected entities with a lower bid received and applications emporio de los sandwiches received after the deadline will be excluded from the evaluation. Announcer emporio de los sandwiches reserves the right to check references and the quality of services provided to candidates. Evaluation of the tender shall be notified within 10 days of opening the envelopes.
If the successful tenderer does not conclude lease contracts and service emporio de los sandwiches within 5 working days of familiarization with the outcome of the proceedings will be eliminated. The draft contract will be approached by the candidate who ended up in the order than others. Announcer reserves the right not to accept any of the tenders. Costs associated with making emporio de los sandwiches a bid shall be borne by the candidate. Until the evaluation of tender caller does not provide information about the course or any other information that could affect the results of the evaluation. This tender is not subject to Act. 25/2006 z. procurement.
Status of Privileges SOI SOI SOI SOI Other Activities emporio de los sandwiches Organizational Structure Principles checks, checks results of inspections SOI Annual Reports Lodging suggestions, complaints, suggestions and requests for public information Free access to information Hazardous National Market SR Cautions EU single emporio de los sandwiches market surveillance system emporio de los sandwiches ECHO Program General Program Sector Program Final decisions First-Second-instance judgments Loans Jobs Competitions ŠZM work for free public database of contracts, purchase orders and invoices of Orders Invoices Procurement Contracts from 1,000 to 20,000 excluding VAT Contracts Contracts below the limit overflow Summary report on contracts under paragraph 99. 2 Evaluation of suppliers FAQ Archive SOI SOI - other activities Results of inspections SOI Annual Report of the Council of consumer products businesses Dangerous - Archive decisions for the euro the European Social Fund Final decisions Contact Special hotline emporio de los sandwiches
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