Attempted murder Carrasco five times SPAIN NATIONAL murder of the Partido Popular President of the Province Isabel Carrasco was planned for two years and was a revenge because she poured mcallisters deli cold water on the arrested 35-year-old daughter's political career.
Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz says that the deed is almost solved and that the report looks to be completed in record time. On Wednesday came the murder weapon up, in unclear circumstances. A female local police mcallisters deli in Leon handed weapon after being arrested the daughter stated that she left it in a bag in a local police car. The two are girlfriends and local police are indefinitely on suspicion of possible involvement in the attack. The murder weapon is a revolver in her daughter's home, police found another pistol and a pound of cannabis. The weapons should have bought mcallisters deli a couple of couple of years earlier by a drug addict in Gijón and both had the serial number removed file. The 59-year-old mother has admitted that it was she who shot Carrasco, reason would be that the provincial chairman made life impossible for the daughter, who both had been dismissed from his post in the Provincial Council, and was deleted from the Partido Popular list in local elections and also asked to refund a portion mcallisters deli of their salary, which she found by lifting illegally. Isabel Carrasco was shot in cold blood behind and also got a nådaskott as she lay on the ground. In her daughter's home, police found documents suggesting that the arrested women had provincial chairman under surveillance for a long time. They beat to May 12 when she chose to go alone across the footbridge, while her boyfriend mcallisters deli took a detour with his moped. The father and husband of those arrested have voluntarily applied for a transfer mcallisters deli from Astorga, where he was head of the Policía Nacional. He suspected not of involvement. mcallisters deli
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