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To death by a teenager overheard the bartender shook Germany
Man and the shadow of death fell on two people - 18 and 21 year old male, who encouraged his student mccallisters swig of tequila. The court issued a decision against them in November - men forced social activities for the course.
Rare Amur tiger, mccallisters released Russian President Vladimir Putin, emigrated to China, which passed the border between the two countries in search of prey, on Thursday announced the Chinese state media.
In Greek mythology, Heracles, son of Zeus, has 12 feats - a dozen extremely difficult and dangerous task. However, the Russian artists decided that the work is just a piece of cake compared to what you do every day in their country's president, Vladimir Putin, told the BBC.
Richard Hitler Ale Cruz, a candidate for Peru in the south of the provincial capital in wax Moljendo mayors won Sunday local elections, AFP. It has 47 percent of the vote. R. Cruz Ale Hitler represented mccallisters within the "wax integration, supported mccallisters by the Left nationalists. During the campaign stump he strongly criticized the massive industrial mining companies expansion plans.
Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, has opened mccallisters the country's first automated teller machine. Some Somalis feel confused and do not understand mccallisters how the device works, because mccallisters it is never used the life, writes the BBC.
Around 80 thousand. families living in the Rif mountains in Morocco, to earn money to survive by growing cannabis. Entire villages to grow crops used for drug plantations, local businesses include all family members. According to data provided mccallisters by the United Nations, these people made Morocco the main supplier of hashish to Europe and the whole world.
Plumber in Northern Ireland after 15 years of his bed dug an underground tunnel leading to the local bar. He crawled mccallisters out of his wife asleep, so it secret for a man corridors and night fun and no one will suspect that tells the Times Live.
Tens of thousands of people attempting to pinch some beer mugs during the ongoing celebration of the annual Munich Oktoberfest, the audacity to set a new record in the German festival, which is dominated by leather pants and beer, Bavarian police reported.
Sudan annulled a marriage between a five-year-old girl and a man 40 years older. According to women's mccallisters and children's rights organization Sima, the relevant decision taken on Thursday Omdurman, Sudan's largest town, located near the capital city of Khartoum, informs AFP.
UAB Jelsoft, Gediminas 12A, LT-01103, Vilnius. mccallisters
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