Tuesday, March 31, 2015

This state causing the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan because after their independence from

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Worldwide there are more than 258 countries, and some smaller, as we want to, we can not remember. This list will show you 10 beautiful small countries, representing some interesting information about them. Republic of Palau
Republic of Palau declared its independence in 1994. It is one of the smallest island states in the world. Located in the Pacific Ocean, wedding catering and it is home to some 20,000 residents. It is composed of about 200 small islands. wedding catering Islets were first inhabited around 3,000 years, and the old maps they were marked as "The Black Islands" (Black Islands). The islands over the years have been influenced by many cultures since centuries were often bought and sold in many countries. Before independence, the British were here last.
This small island country located in the southern wedding catering part of the Pacific Ocean, has about 243,000 inhabitants, 90% of existing ribolovstvo and marine life. There is only one small part of the population exists of Agriculture. The country is underdeveloped because of its vulnerability to tsunamis and floods, because these factors because many times was built, it deteriorated again. The wonderful scenery, beautiful beaches and water, wedding catering as well as a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere that reigns wedding catering in the country, Adutya why come here many tourists. The country declared its independence from the British in the 80s of last century, after a decade of movement for independence.
Chambers is an African island located at the end of Mozambichkiot Channel. It is home to some 800,000 people. Island started settles wedding catering in the 6th century, but has since been influenced by many cultures, such as the Persian culture, Swahili culture, one of the island of Madagascar, located nearby and many others. In some Islamic notes writes that God threw a gem in the surrounding waters, which contributed to the erupting volcano that created wedding catering the island.
Before independence, the island was captured by the British, the Germans and the Japanese during the Second World War. This is one of the smallest countries in the world with a population of only 9,300 inhabitants, living on an area of 21 square kilometers. Formerly the main industry of the island country wedding catering was the mining of phosphates, but the mines were mined in the 80s of last century. In recent history, the island shortly before was totally isolated from the world. Namely, in 2006, the airline which serve the island completely withdraw, leaving the cut. However, wedding catering two years later, the flights were re-established after the company is back with a new name.
Pitkernskite Islands are a group of four volcanic islands wedding catering formed in the Pacific Ocean. Only one of the four inhabited islands, and it is the second largest. Actually it is an island of 5 square wedding catering kilometers. The total population of these islands 48 people. All inhabitants of this island come from four families, Brown, Young, wedding catering Christian and Warren. Pitkernskite Islands are not a sovereign state and under the authority of the United Nations. The islands wedding catering have a beautiful location and a very peaceful place to relax.
This state causing the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan because after their independence from the Russian Empire in the early 20th century belonged wedding catering to both countries. The country gained its independence in the collapse of the USSR. From 1991 to 1994 the state caused a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in getting this country. The country is governed by a presidential system that has the executive power, but there are 33 members of Parliament. In those 33 members represented three parties.
The islands were discovered by European explorers, who found the remains of previous civilizations eye

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