Wednesday, July 23, 2014

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Diorama building model / miniatures in the form of three-dimensional (3D) to describe the process of making a diorama of a scene can be viewed here. Asahlah creativity of children by making nasi arab a diorama project during the school holidays. Anything scenery themes, such animal in the jungle, arctic animals, volcanoes, flower nasi arab gardens, and a pool of water dinosaur age. Former diorama can use old boxes like shoe boxes. For decoration, there are materials that can be found around your home, can use twigs, dried leaves, rocks and sand. Or recycle old magazines, there are pictures of animals nasi arab to flowers to cars to, may be the scissors, paste on manila cards, haaaaa can already make a diorama material. Recycle and think outside the shoebox!
Brilliant Rosy Rose. A lifestyle blog, inspiration, ideas & DIY. Handmade, homemade, ideas, crafts, tutorials & DIY. Inspired things, like this and like that, Because the world is our classroom.
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The original nasi arab invisible adhesive plate hanger tested & been proven over more than 40 years now here in Malaysia! Made in England. Great way to hang you beautiful plates without metal arms (wire hangers with hook - TEND to wear down the plates' edges & cans cause chipping)

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