Saturday, August 2, 2014

Yesterday I had I sat and wrote a lot, and I

Yesterday I had I sat and wrote a lot, and I'll sprara and publish. What is happening?! Well, I've ithaca bakery been logged out, apparently because I sat and wrote as long as the logged off by itself. Lagomt annoying. So today I'll ithaca bakery try not to do the same thing. 'll See how it goes with it .. What case so I thought a little update ithaca bakery here from Oslo could be out of place. Have been home from work yesterday ithaca bakery and today due to cold. Heard that it was not so popular to stand and snot when you're doing food that you then must serve :) But tomorrow I'm off .. starts 9:30 and work until 15, and get paid for 6 hours :) Thank you, I thank you. Last Friday called my contact at the staff house and asked how it went, jotack I replied .. it's okay that. Much to learn and so so but it goes well. Oh, did well when she felt and asked if I was ready for a self kantine. Haha. yeah right. Then it should be added that I of 4 days been on learning, 2 and then tried and learn everything to be done the other day. So that is already responsible for their own kantine .. well, think it's a little too early. But one becomes happy when you get that kind of deals. Were also told on Monday that they thought I would seek permanent employment ithaca bakery to a kantine so one need not be a substitute. They really think I do well myself what it looks like, and that's good. Just hearing about the salary then that is left so this will be great :) Homesickness, I do not give a damn, sorry for that. But it is so incredibly ithaca bakery beautiful here and I enjoy cannon. The area is wonderful, close to town, great people and good relations with both the bus and subway. In the apartment I live in live even four .. one of them in the same room as me. One is the Frenchwoman Eva, she is well as a minor-mother. Rule the roost. She fixes and rearranging. ithaca bakery And take for themselves as it is called to do. Haha. Then we Silje, a girl who apparently plugs here in Oslo. More than that I do not know. Seeing her almost never. Then we Asmund .. haha. What to say about him then .. A Norwegian boy who does not know what a shower is for something. It stinks, and I mean really STINKS sweat and tåpira of him. It's so horribly disgusting and he does not realize it himself .. But today he washes anyway. A step in the right direction. The girl I have been in the same room as me, yes .. soon anyways it's Emma. And it will be fantastically beautiful that you come by on Sunday! :) Poor rest of the apartment, I say then. Haha. Sure, it works great when you have been here, "self" these two weeks, but on the other hand, it will be so lovely with some proper friendship socializing. On Friday it's ithaca bakery off to Karlstad again, actually a little towards me want to believe it or not .. But I'm really looking forward to meeting my sweetie Helena! Miss you lots my friend. So then it's dinner with the girls and then to the Pleasure to see Takida. OOh yeah. It will be cruel nice. So on Saturday, the apartment is taken out so it's clear and then hand over the key on Sunday. Feels .. hmm .. weird. But fine nonetheless. Saw a jewelery special film the other day too ... American Pie - The naked mile. Hah. Got a good laugh anyways .. Jises what movie. No, now it is fixed a little here before it's time for bed. Thank you and goodbye from Oslo.

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