Friday, February 27, 2015

The desire of people to live healthy because health brings many benefits (such as loss less money,

(TT) - Fasting helps prevent 97% risk of coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction avoid and stroke). Diabetes is more common among meat eaters compared with vegetarians. Not to mention those who eat meat (especially red meat) more susceptible to cancer.
In addition, osteoporosis is often caused escalon by eating too much meat and a higher risk fivefold compared with vegetarians. The meat and dairy products contain pesticide residues 11 times with pure vegetable food.
Fasting also helps your mood calmer, less aggressive and angry than to eat more meat, fat ... Vegetarian food is easy to digest and the body requires less catalyst than in metabolism. These are the reasons you should be vegetarians.
Extent, duration and frequency of fasting depends on your ability to adapt. Can a vegetarian lasts a lifetime (or vegetarian), fasting escalon on days 1, 14, 15 and 30 lunar, or some vegetarian meals a day, fasting every other day ... If completely vegetarian eggs are not considered a vegetarian dish as contaminated live, whether or poultry farming industry.
Also vegetarian initiative, when a party or a meal at the restaurant should notify the chef to prepare vegetarian meals for you. Generally, the purpose of fasting as you set goals and plan for their own, as long as the master himself and taken seriously, will help you stay healthy.
Many celebrities of different fields such as science - technology, sports, music, literature, painting .. have long-term vegetarian diet: Einstein, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Leonardo da Vinci, Martina Navratilova, Madonna ...
Specifically, cholesterol measured in milligrams (mg) per 100 grams of 550 eggs, kidney (cattle) 375, 300 liver, 70 ribs, beef and chicken 70 60. While cereals, assorted nuts (walnut, almond, coconut, pumpkin, sunflower ...), vegetables contains absolutely no cholesterol.
The desire of people to live healthy because health brings many benefits (such as loss less money, time, upset the family and society ...). However, good health is not just about physical health and no disease, but also to the health of soul and spirit in one particular individual.
1. Create a regular habit: Make regular habit strictly as: wake up early before sunrise, exercise appropriate time, breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time and sleep time.
2. Exercise Sports: Exercise in sports or walking in the morning time and intensity to achieve the health goals: improved circulation, digestion, helps break and relax, elimination of toxins.
- Eat what? This is very important, diet containing carbohydrates (starch and sugar), protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Eat 80% alkaline and 20% acidic substances. To achieve the balance mentioned above, need to eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Eat when? Many people often neglect this. Eat meals apart, at a specific time and when really hungry. Breakfast should eat fruits and vegetables or fresh fruit juice. Do not eat more than three meals per day. Do not eat candy, fast food errands between meals. Fruits should be tolerated at least 20 minutes prior to any meal.
- How to eat? This is equally important. Should chew food thoroughly. Do not drink water or soft drink for half an hour before or one hour after meals to the digestive tract function appropriate action. Keep silence, calm and avoid anger, turmoil, tension in the meal (as likely to cause increased secretion of substances escalon detrimental to the body, causing stomach ulcers, indigestion, heart rhythm disturbances. ..). Minimize drinks like coffee, tea or soft drinks. You must reject the toxic food, drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
5. Personal Hygiene: Should bath at least once a day in all seasons and at least twice / day in summer. Brush your teeth carefully when you wake up the morning after each meal and before bed. Should defecate on a fixed time of day (preferably a habit in the morning, after waking up). Not so fast sub, prone to kidney stones - urinary tract.
6. Rest appropriate: Time to sleep about 7-8 hours is good for health for adults. After two hours of work each limb or mind, should break 10 minutes for physical relaxation, contemplation (for concentration escalon or meditation) and deep breathing.
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