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Ziarske entrepreneur must remove house near park in Ziar nad who built the place permitted buffet. Decided by the Banska corporate caterers Bystrica county office building. On redoing corporate caterers the house on a summer corporate caterers buffet entrepreneur has half years. City on the land, which the entrepreneur sold at a discounted price, other than buffet admits.
Regional Building Authority upheld the decision Ziar Building Office Building demolition. Entrepreneur and must demolish everything that stood against the building permit. "This is the removal of garages, outbuildings with basement and part of the terrace," stated Head Ziar Building Authority Dagmar Szarvasová. If they do, allow him use of the building as a summer buffet. Dwell in him but can not because it would be contrary to the public interest.
The decision of the Regional Building Authority is no longer corporate caterers subject to appeal, the entrepreneur may go to court. However, if within six months of house will be a buffet, the court reversed the city, and for perverting the course of an official decision.
Businessman Adrian Kaliak the affair from beginning to silent. "My client took note of the decision of the Regional Building Authority and is currently considering further legal action," said his lawyer Adrian Fox.
City three years ago sold entrepreneur land for a bargain price after laid out his project of rebuilding public toilets, which are bought from the acquired firm, a summer buffet. When instead built a house, requested a change to building the housing. City disagreed, because it was contrary to the master plan and also the entrepreneurs felt deceived. Ordered the demolition of the building for the first time Ziarske building office early last year. Construction so far in the real figures as public toilet.
In the last while looking Trenčín corporate caterers way to tap into the unfinished corporate caterers highway bridge Zlatovská street, which is an important industrial city and where the residential area.
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