Sunday, January 5, 2014

Todor Kondev: I am not a member of the association, but it does not matter. I am a parent. Associat

Todor Kondev We as parents, taking care of children, we did the same thing Assoc Marinova did. In our school has a very strong board, which has the financial hacienda cantalagua capacity and the capacity to influence the lives of children.
Generally administer an afternoon study hall, which has about 400 children so completely in the hands of the parents hacienda cantalagua was to control the process of decision making. That is not the school, and we own to buy machines for water and gave them to me and supportive. This was simpler.
Compounding was to make sure that their children be interesting to drink. Drinking water, as Teddy (Theodora Piralkov) said to be the first value, then make it interesting and finally norm and behavior hacienda cantalagua in children's lives. Foundation "Bulgarian National Water Council" is a great and must have been active in promoting the water. hacienda cantalagua Not to mention marketing and purely physiological. This, I think, must come in the curriculum for health education for struggling Teddy. We have such a program and if there were representatives of the National hacienda cantalagua Center of healthy eating, they would present it. They have a pyramid in which advocates the importance of drinking water. But this pyramid is archaic product and the way to promote nutritious foods and beverages is very unattractive for children. We need to invent a new way for children to be confident that the water is helpful.
Todor Kondev: Not only that. Even pediatrician who knows modern channels of communication with children is not helpful. Usefulness hacienda cantalagua of food and water should be submitted by the person who knows the modern life of the children. Only so the information will be presented in an appropriate manner. Practices of 20 years ago do not affect kids. Drawings of pyramids, which offers National hacienda cantalagua Center for Nutrition and kontraprodukti are not helping in any way. So we're grateful to the Bulgarian National Water Council, if he can figure out the right way for the children. Currently no water promotes an attractive way. We would use your products working in the school to promote hacienda cantalagua water. What is our experience so far? We invited people who look good in order to promote water. Invited athletes and they talked and water, and good food. Thus we tried to be more attractive and to attract the attention of children and they like people who drink water. I do not know whether you have discussed another problem. Water is beneficial not only when you drink it, but when it is in its environment.
Iva Doichinova: Honestly, a lot of things hacienda cantalagua to say about the schools. I apologize hacienda cantalagua that it took the microphone, but I might add something. I know that while "Mama" to address this issue - especially healthy baby food and culture of drinking hacienda cantalagua water, I saw several problems. I have noticed that parents are mass not teach their children to drink water. They themselves did not drink water and replace the water in children with lollies, soft drinks and other strange mixtures bought for 1 to 1.20 lev basement. These lollies are usually dark green in color and is discharged home from the grandparents.
Todor Kondev: hacienda cantalagua Now there is a new law and to provide in its new training system should be added to water training. However, hacienda cantalagua there is insufficient knowledge on how to promote an attractive water. People who have knowledge of this should help because the working group MAF has no capacity.
Todor Kondev I will give an example hacienda cantalagua with the campaign "glass of milk" which was absolutely counterproductive. hacienda cantalagua It does not lead to anything. Of such programs hacienda cantalagua makes no sense. What will change if the children are given a glass of water? Prof. Marinova: The idea is to lunch with the food to be given a glass of water.
Todor Kondev: I expect him to give water to him explain why he gave it. Otherwise, if only given a glass of water has no effect. This is a post-socialist hacienda cantalagua thinking, which is illogical in the modern hacienda cantalagua world. It leads to nothing. Unless the goal is not only to take account activity.
Todor Kondev: Not enough. There are companies that constantly come in kindergartens water or water machines. But their purpose is different. My point is that is not meaningful to this fact, it leads to nothing.
Todor Kondev: I am not a member of the association, but it does not matter. I am a parent. Association of Parents have so many things hacienda cantalagua to do that will not have time for that. But I told you what I did. I invited a sports instructor who looks like Spartacus. He told the children about water and healthy eating. They were very pleased and wanted to look like this guy.
Todor Kondev: If done professionally, you should hire a promotions agency that offered several hacienda cantalagua scenarios and suggest people to participate and promote the water. It costs money, but it makes sense. The other option is to train people (who can explain to children h

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