Monday, March 3, 2014

Bowen Sina food-related trial group] Gurkha Gurkha squeak squeak crisp,

Bowen Sina food-related trial group] Gurkha Gurkha squeak squeak crisp,
Onion, garlic before in my feeling is, and things like ginger, which is when cooking dishes dinner with schmucks with a fishy flavor. In the southern area of our multi-cooked dishes a little ginger, compared with onion and garlic over the use of relatively less, there are a lot of people can not stand the smell of onions and garlic eaten later. After relearning some Western production, find more foreigners eating onions, most Western will be used in the production of onions, said that in Europe, onion known as the "queen of vegetables."
Now known as the "queen dinner with schmucks of vegetables", and that the natural nutrients onion is quite rich. It is not only rich in potassium, dinner with schmucks vitamin C, folic acid, zinc, selenium and fiber and other nutrients, onions also contains two special nutrients - prostaglandin A and quercetin. These two special nutrients, so the onion has many other health benefits of foods irreplaceable: Prostaglandin A can dilate blood vessels, reduce dinner with schmucks blood viscosity, and thus have lower blood pressure, prevent thrombosis. The quercetin is able to inhibit dinner with schmucks the activity of carcinogenic cells, prevent cancer cell growth.
According dinner with schmucks onion skin color, can be divided into white, yellow and Purple three. From the perspective of nutritional value, the Purple Onion nutrition better. This is because the Purple Onion with respect to the other two varieties of onion flavor is more pungent, which means it contains more allicin. Garlic is known as a strong bactericidal capacity, can effectively resist the flu virus, prevent colds. In addition, part of Purple Purple Onion also contain more quercetin. Since there are many benefits of eating onions, dinner with schmucks then we might as well put the onion is also included in our daily menu among the regular consumption of onions to ward off disease increases health.
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