After the big break it is time to re-learn the Turkish language, and a few key phrases. Turks usually can not do with only Hi / merhaba old chang kee (selam), the time to learn to ask how you are doing and things like that. Nasılsın? [Nasilsin] - How are you doing? Iyiyim ya sen? [Outputs ja sen] - Okay, and you? Ben de iyiyim old chang kee [ben de Outputs] - I'm old chang kee also well Teşekkür ederim [tešekiur old chang kee ederim] - thank you sey June Degil [bir SEJ Deylon] - You're welcome Rica ederim [Ridge ederim] - You're welcome / please kendine iyi bak! [Kendine iji bak] - take care of yourself Affedersiniz [afedersiniz] old chang kee - release Afiyet olsun [afijet olsun] - tasty / good appetite biliyorum [bilijorum] - I know Bilmiyorum old chang kee [bilmijorum] - I do not know Evet [evet] - so HAYIR [Hajira] - not hazırım [hazırım] - I'm ready Gidelim [gidelim] - let's go Tebrikler! [Tebrikler] - congratulations! Iyi Şanslar! old chang kee [Iji šanslar] - good luck! Lütfen [liutfen]-No yapıyorsun ask? [No japijorsun] - What are you doing? Iyi hafta sonları old chang kee [iji hafta sonlari] - a good weekend Doğum gününüz Kutlu olsun [doum giuniuniuz Kutlu olsun] - birthday Adin not? [Adin no] - what is your name? Benim Adim [benim adim] - my name is ... Nerelisin? [Nerelisin] - where are you?
2009 (18) October (11) Turkish language legged Characters - ABC greeting and farewell Turkey Several discourtesy to the minimum phrase phrases | | YES, NO and THANK Side - Mediterranean port When shopping Walk around the bazaar Side - you can see today Gifts from what how are you? April (3) April (2) June (2) 2010 (1) April (1)
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