Currently, we are moored in Rodney Bay St. Lucia, but since I mostly sansynelighvis (perhaps) not going to meet Sophie again, I'll post some pictures from the last night we were together. On Bequia was grillfparty BBQ on the beach which was held for boaters-"know people", as there were some locals who stood for grilling. cipriani nyc We had a nice evening with bonfires, barbecues and swimming. The menu was Hommer cipriani nyc and chicken. Sophie and I became acquainted clean through ARC in Las Palmas where we immediately hit it off (perhaps not so surprising when we have a lot in common ..). It was great to meet someone my own age. Sophie will sail around the world with his family cipriani nyc in their boat "Aditi" (is not that cool :)). We met in Bequia as they are now traveling south to Panama, while we are traveling Northbound in the BVI Caribbean so it will probably be long until the next time we meet. So I wish her and her family right so nice ride on :) At the end of the beach there is a nice little cipriani nyc cave one can go through, and on the other side can be seen at a small coral reef located just outside the cave. You bake the lobster and chicken of the local. Had to take a picture while it was still a little light, is not always easy to get to the venue in darkness here .. Seems indeed neither do we ... (from left Sophie, Sophie Linn) Below are the dark early, but when we light only a large bonfire on the beach which reminds me a little bit about Camp Rock (which is very positive .. hehe). Luckily it rains more often down here than it does at home in Nord-Trøndelag currently ... so flammable, it is fortunately not here in the rainforest .. Nicoline cipriani nyc plays with the other famous kids on the beach and around the campfire. So we were back here, where my little "local Caribbean cipriani nyc soul" came to take me against 16th December. Here we are going to be some days before we head north towards Martinique.
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