Friday, December 6, 2013


This is a gourmet food but raw vegan. It's a little harder to do (say from the beginning :) to be taken care in the roll of avocado that is fragile, but it's so tasty and healthy ... mmmmmmm ... Ingredients: (for 2 rolls of 15 cm each) 1 avocado hard 1/2 red aurora fourth 1-4 onions 1 turnip him your sesame seeds 1/2 l your lemon peel your sesame oil 1 l Himalayan salt Preparation: Place a plastic sheet on the table. Brush with oil. Avocado, which must be hard (more green) are peeled and then the vegetable peeler to make thin strips that are placed on the foil one another to form a rectangle 30/20cm. Wash tomatoes, peeled turnip and onion. Remove seeds from tomatoes in a sieve for. make caviar from them later. Red pulp, kale and onions cut small cubes. Add lemon peel, sesame oil and sesame seeds. Arrange avocado composition rectangle lost dog cafe menu along a line 2cm and carefully roll early with foil, then the foil off on the run and it runs all the way with the help of the film. Oiled foil is easily detaches avocado. The roll is cut in half, place on a plate carefully with a large knife and wide. Sprinkle salt over them. Seeds of tomato juice with drain the site and it is actually lost dog cafe menu our caviar :)
Looks great!! Congratulations for so beautiful photos! Reply Delete
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I'm a 31 yo angiconst raw vegan and ecologist, who pursues a better life from all points of view. I'm awaiting your comments and suggestions, lost dog cafe menu follow my blog for a healthy lost dog cafe menu lifestyle! The world around us is nothing more and nothing less than a reflection of what we have become from Within! View my complete profile
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