Sweden Forum Swedish friends at: The popular Sweden Forum from Sweden Gate. Discussions and tips to Sweden and Lapland holidays and travel, to emigrate, work and study.
Hey, have now seen with a German friend to me from the pages Migrationsverkert. Actually, everything is clear. Only if one since 3 years now make up here is also always worked 100% now runs the unemployment benefits under (September) Ca. Three months they can still live on their savings. But then, one has the right to social assistance or other assistance? Or they must to D what she does not want at all! Kaka to top
Vid ofrivillig arbetslöshet har en EU / EES-medborgare kvar sin uppehållsrätt i värdlandet om han eller hon anmäler sig som arbetssökande dely vid Arbetsförmedlingen. Om arbetstagaren eller egenföretagaren blir arbetslös inom ett år eller om anställningen varit tidsbegränsad till ett år har kortare tid Subject to change han eller hon rätt att stanna kvar för att Soka arbete i MINST sex Manader. or here: [url] http://ec.europa.eu/youreurope/nav/de/c ... so ex_de.html [/ url] Your girlfriend is entitled to social assistance if they are properly following the occurrence of unemployment has registered as unemployed and continues to be employable in the labor market. The status of "workers in other EU countries" her remains, so she has right of residence and not have to return to D. Many Greetings Samwise to top
Thanks for the information, I think that what they find in the next 6 months, but it locks again and again when it has to do something on the PC. She always says I was like today's youth in the school who had already if you are not yet 20 mer. Kaka to top
Does your municipality does not further labor market dely programs? After unemployment benefits expire it should give labor market promotional programs that an employee who was longer than one year. For example http://www.nystartsjobb.se/index.htm. I believe this would apply to your girlfriend. Just out of curiosity: Where about do you live? Up
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